
WhatsApp Chatbot For Health Care

We have considered our solutions to support every stage of your growth.

AskEva's WhatsApp - Based Chatbots For Health Care Industry

WhatsApp chatbot help to find a wide range of health issues with the users following suit. The WhatsApp chatbot allows them by providing a comprehensive list of diets, exercises, and practices so that they do not need to depend on Doctor's availability.

The WhatsApp chatbot features personalized meditations and fine-tunes the experience to fit their needs. It acts as a personal nurse to remind patients to take their pills on time. WhatsApp chatbot help in countless cases that could help physicians, nurses, patients, or their families.

  • Fixing Appointments
  • Counseling Sessions
  • Medicine Purchases
  • Lab Reports
  • Emergency Services
  • Scheduling Doctors

Fixing Appointments

Patients can fix their appointments anytime according to their needs with the help of AskEva. Health centres make correct arrangements and update the booking status of the patients.



WhatsApp chatbot provide counseling sessions for patients who are mentally stressed and also transfer to human counselors when needed by the patients. It can hold further assistance and make patients comfortable.



Patients can buy medicines by WhatsApp connected to their Health center by approaching them and making payments easily.AskEva helps every patient in their needs to make them healthy.



AskEva WhatsApp chatbot help the patients to get their reports on time at their Health centers.



WhatsApp chatbot help the medical team to avail of an ambulance by sending locations or phone numbers to save the patients in an emergency.



AskEva helps in the availability of the right doctors for the right treatments regarding the health problem of the patients.

Benefits Of Chatbot In Healthcare Industry

AskEva provides critical information instantly for an emergency as a heart attack helps especially in times. WhatsApp chatbot give warm greetings to the patients and help them with the symptoms of the problem and if needed schedule an appointment with the doctor. WhatsApp chatbot build a good rapport with the patients to cure them.


Chatbot Services

AskEva chatbot helps patients in reducing waiting times. WhatsApp chatbot make you take timely advice that is available 24/7. It sends daily reminders to patients for medical advice or pills to be taken timely. AskEva chatbot acts as a personal medication reminder and health tracker for those that use it. It also helps in Emergency services by tracking location or phone numbers by alerting the nearby medical team to save the life of the patients.