
WhatsApp Chatbot For Travel & Hospitality

We have considered our solutions to support every stage of your growth.

AskEva's WhatsApp - Based Chatbots For Travel & Hospitality

WhatsApp chatbot in hospitality and travel develop customer experiences extravagantly. It can help hotels in many areas, including time management, guest services, and cost reduction. They are more cost-effective and faster than their human counterparts.

WhatsApp chatbot help to speak to guests in different languages, making it easier for the guests to speak in their local language to communicate. Enhance your customers' experience and make travels easier.

  • Travel Experience
  • Guest Stay
  • Conversational WhatsApp Chatbot
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Experience
  • On-The-Go Travel

Chatbot for WhatsApp Conversations

AskEva guides clients through seamless processes, ensuring useful engagement and scalable communication for query resolution.


Travel Experience

AskEva serves in varied ways, one among them being an e-guide for vacationers. WhatsApp chatbot will assist the traveler in exploring new things like historical places, shops, and much more.


Guest Stay

AskEva chatbot can manage your guest’s stay at your hotel from check-in to check-out. AskEva enables you to send your guests notifications and helpful updates related to the plans.


Customer Service

AskEva WhatsApp chatbot can efficiently deal with bookings well as cancellations without any hassle.It could lead to significant savings,as it eliminates the need for a dedicated team.


Customer Experience

AskEva WhatsApp chatbot helps directly from booking and taking care of queries related to a continuous excursion, details seeking nearby directions to the clients. AskEva acts as a live agent to the traveler and can provide a personalized experience while increasing your revenue.


On-The-Go Travel

AskEva WhatsApp chatbot assist travelers 24/7, travelers receive immediate answers to queries, relevant recommendations, and weather details. It acts as a personal travel assistant from the time you step out to step in.

Benefits Of Chatbot In Travel-Hospitality Industry

WhatsApp chatbot provide the best guidance about your preferred locations or events immediately as you enquire for them. If the customer tries to book a ticket, chatbot plan for a complete trip from reservation to visit of itenary places. AskEva serves you round-the-clock customer support and instant responses. If a query is not solved, humans can dive into the conversation.


Chatbot Services

AskEva chatbot helps patients in reducing waiting times. WhatsApp chatbot make you take timely advice that is available 24/7. It sends daily reminders to patients for medical advice or pills to be taken timely. AskEva chatbot acts as a personal medication reminder and health tracker for those that use it. It also helps in Emergency services by tracking location or phone numbers by alerting the nearby medical team to save the life of the patients.