API Errors

An error response is generated when any of the required parameters is not specified correctly or any other technical error exists. The error response will indicate an error code along with the actual error message.

A typical Error Response is:

Below is the list of API failure or errors in case request is badly formed or parameters are missing

Request Body

Error code (id) Error message (details)
100 An unknown exception has occurred. Please retry the request after some time.
101 The parameter X is required. Please resend the request.
102 Authentication failed due to invalid userId or password.
103 Authentication Failed as userid X does not exist.
104 This user with the number is currently disabled. Please contact support for further details.
105 The phone number is not a valid phone number.
106 The method X is not supported.
112 The phone number field cannot be null.
123 Your account does not have sufficient credits to post this message.
124 Validity of your WhatsApp pack has expired. You are not allowed to send messages now.
171 You are not allowed to perform this action.
175 The "INTERNATIONAL_PHONE" service is disabled for you. Kindly get the service enabled before using this action.
328 Invalid Media Content Type.