Button message templates

The Interactive Message Templates feature in WhatsApp Business API allows you to add buttons in message templates that can be used with customized call to action buttons and quick replies. Buttons will give businesses the ability to develop interactive experiences with pre-set options for users. There are two types of buttons:

  • Call-to-Action buttons: You can add two call-to-action buttons to media message or text-based message templates and customize the text of the button. These features will help increase your overall engagement rate with notifications. We have the following types of call-to-action buttons available:
    • Visit website objective – can be a static or dynamic website URL or deeplink
    • Call phone number objective – must be a static phone number

    At most, 1 button of each type can be added to a text or media message template. The Display Text for the Call-to-Action Buttons is defined in the template at the time of template creation and cannot be customized on the fly. The Display text cannot exceed 20 characters and cannot include emojis.

  • Quick Reply buttons:

    You can add three quick reply buttons to message templates. These quick reply buttons will help you improve the quality of conversations with users by prompting responses that can reduce spelling errors and improve an automated experience. These buttons can be attached to text messages or media messages. Once these templates have been created and approved, you can use them in notification messages as well as customer service/care messages.

    The Display Text for the Quick Reply Buttons is defined in the template at the time of template creation and cannot be customized on the fly. The Display text cannot exceed 20 characters and cannot include emojis. Once a user clicks on a Quick Reply button in a text or media message template, it is greyed out and cannot be clicked again.