Send a Simple Text Message

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message on WhatsApp.

Please Note
  • You must use the key generated for your enterprise account to encrypt API parameter values when sending the API request. Once the request is received by AskEVA, and sent ahead to WhatsApp.
  • Please read Appendix A for detailed steps and code samples on how to encrypt the payload before sending an API request.

Text with Header and Footer

Simple request with Header and Footer

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with Header and Footer.

Text with CTA Buttons

Simple request with static Button URL

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with CTA Buttons on WhatsApp.

Here, since the Button Template has static Call-to-Action buttons, it is exactly similar to sending a simple text message except for isTemplate=true parameter. This will ensure that the Call-to-Action button template is sent on WhatsApp as expected.

Simple request with Dynamic Button URL

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with CTA Buttons on WhatsApp.

Please Note
  • lYou must use the key generated for your enterprise account to encrypt API parameter values when sending the API request. Once the request is received by AskEVA. AskEVA sent ahead to WhatsApp.
  • Please read Appendix A for detailed steps and code samples on how to encrypt the payload before sending an API request.

Text with Quick Reply Buttons

Simple requestQuick Reply Button

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with Quick Reply Buttons on WhatsApp.

Here, since the Button Template has static Quick Reply buttons, it is exactly similar to sending a simple text message except for isTemplate=true parameter. This will ensure that the Quick Reply button template is sent on WhatsApp as expected.