Quality Rating

The Quality Rating status of a WABA number can either be:

  • High (GREEN)
  • Medium (YELLOW)
  • or Low (RED)

Significance of Quality Rating

The Quality Rating assigned to the number indicates the way the end users have reacted to / received the message sent by the Brand. Quality Rating is assigned by WhatsApp; wherein particular user events such as ‘block the account’ or ‘reports an account' by the end-user is captured and an Algorithm is used to determine user and consumer behavior and basis this pattern, a particular value, (High (GREEN), Low (RED), Medium (YELLOW)) is assigned in the Quality Rating spectrum.

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A lower Quality Rating only affects notification messages. The Brand can still continue to respond to user- initiated messages.

A lower Quality Rating does effect messaging limits, i.e. over a consecutive 7 day period if the Quality Ratings do not improve, the WABA number has a higher chance of getting moved to a lower messaging limit i.e. one tier lower than the current Messaging limit tier.

    The different types of status and their relevance are as follows:
  • ‘High’ Status indicates the messages are relevant alerts/notifications/response messages and of 1:1 nature.
  • A ‘Medium’ or a ‘Low’ status indicates the alert/notification/response messages that were sent to the users may not be exclusive and was 1:100 in nature.

The reason for a particular Quality Rating is based on what is collected as a feedback by WhatsApp when the user hits ‘Block account’ in the profile section of the Business Account.