WhatsApp Template Creation Guidelines

  • Always adhere to the WhatsApp Business policy and commerce policy.
  • The template must be simplistic and clearly non-promotional. Make it sound like you are notifying / alerting someone about a recent action.
  • The template CANNOT be a message that of type - 1:100. WhatsApp rejects promotional templates that they think will cause a spam-like experience.
  • The template verbiage must be such that the variable values can be easily determined such as, “Dear {{1}} This is to inform you that, your insurance policy with policy number {{2}} has a premium amount {{3}} which is due for payment on date {{4}} “
  • Media Templates must have a clear caption part that speaks for the’ media’ attachment. WhatsApp must be able to understand what the contents of the media from the message / caption would be.
  • If you need to write a message template to reopen the 24-hour window, it is suggested that the templates start with some reference to the previous conversation.
  • In case dispute needs to be raised with WhatsApp, the business use case of the template along with sample values must be shared.
  • Avoid floating variable {{1}} {{2}} i.e., consecutive variables specified immediately as these do not give WhatsApp clarity on the possible values.
  • Make it a point to always stick to the content languages as per specified in the ‘language’ while creating a template.
  • CTA Button templates must have genuine website links (static part) that must be accessible for verification by WhatsApp as a part of the template approval. lIn order to speed up Template approvals, WhatsApp has made it mandatory to add sample values for variables within a template.