Sending notifications on WhatsApp

To send a notification to a customer on WhatsApp, you must have:

  • An explicit opt-in from that customer indicating his consent to receive messages from your business on WhatsApp (Read more about WhatsApp’s opt-in requirements below)
  • The notification message must be in the form of a message template that has been pre- approved by WhatsApp.
    • Message Templates are transactional message templates that your business will send to customers over WhatsApp.
    • Good examples of Message Templates are credit card payment reminders, e- commerce order delivery status updates, loan approval status changes, policy change notice, etc.
    • Message Templates cannot have any promotional or remarketing content, such as cross-selling or up-selling products. This is strictly against WhatsApp policy and will be rejected during the approval process.
    • WhatsApp has an upper limit of 250 message templates per WhatsApp Business account (WABA). It can be extended by raising a special request to WhatsApp with valid justification to a maximum of 1500 templates.
    • Currently WhatsApp support text and rich media (image, document, and video) and location message templates