Header And Footer

WhatsApp for Business has enhanced message templates and has made it more structured with the introduction of the Header and Footer component.


  • A WhatsApp message; text or media will contain an optional parameter called the Header.
  • A text message can have additional text as the Header whereas in a Media message, the Header is already specified as the media file (image, document, video or location).
  • In a Text message, a header usually refers to the ‘Title’ of the message whereas in a Media message, the Header component specifies the ‘type of media’ that will be used in the template.
  • The character length of a header is 60 characters and can contain variables. (Total value of the header with variables must be upto 60 characters)
  • Headers can also be sent for List Messages and text messages with Dynamic Reply Buttons in Interactive messaging within the 24-hour window.


  • A WhatsApp message; text or Media will contain an optional Parameter called the Footer.
  • The Footer is a usually a short line of text to the bottom of the message template.
  • The total character length of the Footer can be a maximum of 60 characters and cannot contain variables.
  • Footers can be sent for list messages, text and media messages with Dynamic Reply Buttons in Interactive messaging within the 24-hour window.