
There are two types of WhatsApp Business Accounts, which determines how your business appears to your customers.

  • Business Account
  • Official Business Account

Business Account

Any account that is using the WhatsApp Business API is by default a Business Account.

How the Business appears to customers
  • The name of the business is not visible if the customer hasn't added the business to their address book; instead the Business Phone Number will be visible. In addition, if the business sends a template notification which contains a link, then links will not be clickable. Once the customer adds the business to their address book or replies on the WhatsApp chat, the links become clickable.
  • We recommend that the first notification sent to users instruct them to save the number in their address book.

Official Business Account

WhatsApp has verified that an authentic brand owns this account.

Please Note
  • The business must apply for an Official Business Account status and will be considered only after at least one month of go-live with an average. traffic of at least 1000 messages per Day over a 7-day period. WhatsApp decides whether to grant the Official Business Account status and the decision cannot be contested
How the Business appears to customers
  • An Official Business Account has a green checkmark badge in its profile and next to the header in the chat thread. The name of the business is visible even if the customer has not added the business to their address book.
  • However, if the customer has saved the business to their address book, then the Address Book Name takes precedence over the Verified Name of the Business.

Few things to note about the WhatsApp official Business Account

  • The Official Business Account (verified badge) is awarded by WhatsApp based on certain criteria such as mentioned below (but not limited to)
    • 1.Notability
    • 2.Volumes
    • 3.WhatsApp Business Account Number Quality rating etc.

    Notability is defined by WhatsApp as: An account that must represent a well-known often searched brand or entity. WhatsApp reviews accounts that are featured in multiple news sources, and they don't consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.

  • The decision to grant the Official Business Account (verified badge) is at WhatsApp©s discretion.

  • AskEVA will raise the request to WhatsApp for an Official Business Account on behalf of the Business.

  • If WhatsApp has decided to not grant the OBA to the Business, the Business can re-apply after a period of 30 days.

Api Endpoint

To send a Notification message on WhatsApp, the API request is made to this endpoint:


Request Headers

Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Body

Key Description Example
format REQUIRED | string The API response message format. Default value is text, unless otherwise specified. Must be one of: text, json, xml json
method REQUIRED | string The API method to perform a specific action i.e. send a message on WhatsApp Must be: SendMessage Send Message
auth_scheme REQUIRED | string The authentication scheme of the API. Must be: plain plain
v REQUIRED | string The API version. Must be: 1.1 1.1
send_to REQUIRED | string The phone number of the recipient to whom message is being sent. Number must be in E.164 format 919892123456
msg REQUIRED | string The text message to be sent to the customer. It must be URL encoded. Hello%20World!
msg_type REQUIRED | string The type of message to be sent to the customer. Depending on ©type©, the relevant parameters must be sent as part of the request payload. By default, type is TEXT unless otherwise specified. It is recommended to send msg_type=TEXT when sending Text Notifications on WhatsApp. Must be : TEXT TEXT
Authorization REQUIRED | boolean A Custom API Key that can be specified by the business. it must be unique for every Panel . 9rc1nxxxxxxxxx
header OPTIONAL | string In a Text message, a header usually refers to the ©Title© of the message. 60 alphanumeric characters (with variable values) are allowed for this parameter. Text message : ©Booking confirmation for Movie©
footer OPTIONAL | string A short line of text to the bottom of the message template. 60 alphanumeric characters are allowed for this parameter. ©Get yourself web-checked- in, to avoid queues©

Sample Requests

Simple Requests

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message on WhatsApp.

Please Note
  • You must use the key generated for your enterprise account to encrypt API parameter values when sending the API request. Once the request is received by AskEVA, and sent ahead to WhatsApp.
  • Please read Appendix A for detailed steps and code samples on how to encrypt the payload before sending an API request.

Text with Header and Footer

Simple request with Header and Footer

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with Header and Footer.

Text with CTA Buttons

Simple request with static Button URL

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with CTA Buttons on WhatsApp.

Here, since the Button Template has static Call-to-Action buttons, it is exactly similar to sending a simple text message except for isTemplate=true parameter. This will ensure that the Call-to-Action button template is sent on WhatsApp as expected.

Simple request with Dynamic Button URL

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with CTA Buttons on WhatsApp.

Please Note
  • lYou must use the key generated for your enterprise account to encrypt API parameter values when sending the API request. Once the request is received by AskEVA. AskEVA sent ahead to WhatsApp.
  • Please read Appendix A for detailed steps and code samples on how to encrypt the payload before sending an API request.

Text with Quick Reply Buttons

Simple requestQuick Reply Button

Below is a sample GET request when sending a text message with Quick Reply Buttons on WhatsApp.

Here, since the Button Template has static Quick Reply buttons, it is exactly similar to sending a simple text message except for isTemplate=true parameter. This will ensure that the Quick Reply button template is sent on WhatsApp as expected.

Quick Installation Video

This quick video demonstrates:

  • Installing npm packages (Terminal command: Youtube link)
  • Running gulp (Terminal command: npm serve)
  • Changing the primary color.